Key Words in java :
JAVA RESERVED KEY WORDS Above listed are reserved keywords those key words are not posible to provide as method name / classname / variable name , every key word is having special meaning and role to use NOTE:All the keywords contains only lowercase alphabet symbols Keywords for primitive data types : byte,short,int,long float,double,char,boolean Keywords for flow control: if,else,switch,case,default,while do,for,break,continue,return Keywords for exception handling: try,catch,finally,throw throws,assert(for debugging purpose,1.4v) Keywords for modifiers: public,private,protected,static,final,abstract synchronized,native,transient,volatile,strictfp(1.2v) Class related Keywords: class,package,import,extends implements,interface Object related Keywords: new,instanceof,super,this void return type Keyword if a method doesn’t return anything compulsory we should declare that method with void return type. Unused Keywords: goto(usage is conside...